XR Global Support
Please select one of the groups, circles or teams above to see its mandate and other details below
XR's purpose is to achieve our demands. This view shows how we break that purpose down into smaller parts, each of which has a circle which is mandated to achieve it.
Click on a purpose to see how we break it down into other purposes.
This diagram shows the structure of Extinction Rebellion.
Click Getting Started above for more information


The reason for the circle's existence.

For example, Local Group Development's purpose is "To help grow the movement in line with XR's strategy by directly supporting existing Local Groups (LGs), and by working towards the creation of new LGs in cooperation with other regional and national teams."

  • The purpose grants the role/circle the full authority to make any decision or take any action useful to express it, as long as it doesn't violate any explicit rule (e.g. a rule in constitution, or a policy or domain defined in the organization's governance).
  • When determining if a project or next-action fits a certain role/circle, use the purpose in addition to the accountabilities; i.e. "Would it make sense for the role/circle, according to its purpose, to take on this project?"
Purpose in the Holacracy Practitioner's Guide


An ongoing activity the circle must perform.

For example, the Website circle would have the "Updating the website" as an accountability.

  • An accountability grants the role/circle the full authority to make any decision or take any action useful to express it, as long as it doesn't violate any explicit rule (e.g. a rule in constitution, or a policy or domain defined in the organization's governance).
  • An accountability does not limit the authority of other roles; e.g an accountability for "Updating the website" does not prevent other roles from updating the website, it only sets an expectation on this circle, so that others can count on it. If you want to limit the authority of others, propose a domain or a policy.
Accountabilities in the Holacracy Practitioner's Guide


    Things or processes exclusively in the control of this circle.

    For example, the Website circle would have the website as its domain, so that they have exclusive control over editing the content.

    • Domains should not be used to define what a role/circle cares about, or its area of expertise or responsibility; those should be defined via the role/circle's purpose or accountabilities.
    • Granting a domain to a role/circle does not delegate any rights to control spending of money or assets, unless explicitly specified in the domain.
    Domains in the Holacracy Practitioner's Guide

    Core Roles



    Group types
    Role types

    Tick the items you want to see in the diagram

    These are templates for the most common roles within a circle.


    Core Roles



    Getting started

    XR has a decentralised organisation where each team, or 'circle', can make decisions within its own mandate.

    The mandate says what the circle is achieving (its purpose) and how it does this (its accountabilities). See more detail about mandates.

    When we put all our purposes together - circles within circles - we achieve our demands as a movement.

    You will see two parts on each screen:

    • information about the circle - its mandate, the roles within it, and any policies
    • a view of how the circle fits within other circles - you can switch between Circle view and Tree view (top right of the screen)

    You can explore our organisation in several ways:

    • search - if you know (part of) the name of the circle you are looking for
    • filter - if you want to hide particular kind(s) of circles, to get a simpler view
    • browse - open circles to see relationships of sub-circles and broader circles

    As XR regions, nations and local groups do not all organise in the same way, you may find that some of these groups do not show up on this view. Use the Filter option, or use the Local Groups map instead.


    Circle view

    Make the view of the circle bigger
    Go to the broader circle that includes this circle

    Tree view

    Expand a circle and see what sub-circles it has
    Collapse/hide the sub-circles of a circle

    Purpose view

    Click on any circle's purpose to see how it breaks down into the purposes of the subcircles.

    To go up to a supercircle, just click on it

    There may be a few circles which haven't filled in their purpose yet - they will not appear on this page


    Colour key and abbreviations

    A see-through circle represents a sub-circle of the current circle
    A solid green circle represents a role within the current circle
    A solid blue circle represents one of the 'core roles' within the circle
    A yellow ring round a role means that thsi role also links to another circle

    Abbreviations and acronyms

    Acronym, AbbreviationExplanation
    CEEClimate and Ecological Emergency
    DNAXR's Ways of Working and Principles & Values
    External CoordinatorRole to represent the team in the next wider circle and ensure any tensions around processes that are relevant to the wider circle are channeled out of this circle
    Internal CoordinatorRole to help the team achieve its purpose set out in the team mandate
    Rebel PathwaySupporting the routes by which rebels find their role in the movement
    RegenRegenerative or Regenerative Culture
    SOSSelf-organising system, how XR organises, based on autonomy and decentralisation
    VLEVolunteer Living Expenses
    WGWorking Group, also known as a circle

    More terms defined